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Makeup Tips You Need

Sometimes you want your makeup to look bomb. Especially with prom coming up, it’s difficult to know what you want to do with your makeup. These tips will take your makeup game to a whole new level without the high price.

1. Scotch tape

Give your eyeshadow that clean edge by applying a piece of scotch tape to the outer corner of your eye to make your look more clean and put-together. This trick is also a lifesaver to those who struggle with winged eyeliner. Make sure to put the tape on the back of your hand a couple of times to take off some of the adhesive, otherwise it is (literally) a big pain to remove.

2. Contouring

Sculpt out your cheekbones using this popular trend. Find the parts of your face that you feel needs more dimension and add bronzer to those areas. Once you’re done, you’ll look like a bronzed, sculpted goddess!

3. Add extra volume to your lashes using a hairdryer

Hold your eyelash curler up to a hot hair dryer for a few seconds before curling your lashes. Because of the heat, it will more effectively curl the lash and make them look longer and fuller.

4. Rejuvenate your old mascara

Put life back into you're old, dried up mascara by putting 3-5 drops of contact solution into the tube. Shake it up, then it will work well as new!

5. Strobing

Strobing is the newest trend in makeup. Take a highlighter or illuminator and apply it to the highest points of your face such as the cheekbones, chin, and nose. The end result makes your skin look youthful, glowy and healthy.

6. Keep your makeup lasting all night long

To ensure that your makeup will not wear off throughout the night, wear a primer underneath your foundation. You can also add a finishing spray on top of your makeup for that extra hold.

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