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Beauty Tips

1. Vaseline for your breasts
If you want to retain the shape of your breasts, rub Vaseline on them every night before going to bed. After 2 weeks, you’ll notice that the skin has become more elastic and moisturized and is generally firmer.

2. Plumping your lips
To make your lips look stunning, you can plump them with the help of a toothbrush, sugar, cinnamon, and olive oil. Apply sugar to a toothbrush, then gently scrub your lips. After this, apply a mixture of cinnamon and olive oil.

3. Mirror chrome nails in 10 minutes
If you don’t have time for visiting nail salons, there is a win-win solution which will always look relevant. And that solution is mirror nails.
For mirror nails you don’t need to use a special nail polish — you can simply buff chrome powder (glitter) onto your gel nails. And here it is! A 5-minute manicure. You can also apply glitter to the tip of your nail for an excellent French manicure.

4. Get rid of blackheads in 10 minutes
If you need to remove blackheads, you can use a quick mask. Combine honey and cinnamon until you get a paste. Apply it in a skinny layer over the blackheads, and place a strip of clean cotton over it. Remove it after 5 minutes, and rinse your face.

5. A mask for radiant skin
Instead of wasting time masking your face with foundation, it is better to take 15 minutes to help your skin recover. To get the best out of "reanimation" remedies, you should first cleanse your skin well. For this, there is a cool mask, which will cleanse your pores and remove blackheads.
To make the mask, pour 2-3 teaspoons of milk into a bowl, and add 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Let it soak for some time. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds or until the mixture takes on a creamy consistency. When the mixture is touchable yet warm, carefully apply it to your face. Let the mask dry, and then peel it off gently.

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