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Gloss Face Mask

There is a reason Persian, Japanese, Korean and Russian cultures (to name a few), make weekly exfoliating and scrubbing rituals mandatory—they all have bathhouses incorporated into their lives. We hold so much on the dead skin that covers us that scrubbing it helps release toxins and allow for new energy. A kiseh is a cloth like a loofah that is used with sefitab, which is an exfoliating chunk of hardened minerals and sheep fat. Sefitab, which means "white water" looks a bit like a dense piece of chalk; however, it's an ancient formula made specifically for removing dead skin and polishing the skin until it's as soft as velvet. Supposedly this has been the tradition during bathing rituals since the Zoroastrian days. I am still trying to figure out a close substitute so you can make this at home. If nothing else, investing in a loofah is the way to go, and I love using my Sea Siren Body scrub; I formulated it with blue-green algae, the purest form of algae full of enzymes, vitamins, chlorophyll, and amino and fatty acids that feed your skin.
How to make.
Mix 4 tablespoons of the powder in water to create a paste. Put the paste on your scalp and hair and let sit for 45 minutes. Then rinse and shampoo and condition as usual. For extra gloss add one egg to the paste and mix well and add to the scalp and hair. When I use the sedr herb, I feel like my hair is extra shiny and more bouncy. I definitely think the longer it is left the more you will see the benefits.
I drop a few drops into my water bottle and drink it throughout the day. I've noticed an elevation in my heart chakra, energy, a sense of renewal and more. You can put some drops in your juice, tea, or cocktail. Now the shop on The Local Rose carries the rosewater so you can all give it a try! A few drops go a long way due to the purity and strength.
A saffron mask is easy to make and leaves your skin illuminated and glowing. Using yogurt (rich in zinc and B vitamins), which is a natural lactic acid, and combining it with enzyme-rich honey will allow the saffron threads to really penetrate the skin. Honey is a natural humectant and will keep the skin supple and soft.

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