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Breast Care

Breasts are the most striking feature possessed by a woman. Women often ignore to care for the health of their breasts. Just like any other body parts, breasts should also be taken care of properly. Proper breast care will enable you to have healthy and beautiful breasts.

Healthy breasts are essentially needed to live a happy life, have a good sex life and nurse the babies without any problem. If you have saggy and dry breasts, your husband may not get enough sexual pleasure. Hence, you need to take care of your breasts to lead a happy married life. And if you are a feeding mother, breast care will be more essential.

You can keep your breasts in a healthy state by maintaining smooth blood flow to your breast area. This can be achieved through regular breast massage. Use good massage oil and massage your breasts gently in a circular motion. Do this daily for at least 2 minutes. Massage will help in strengthening your breast tissues and will make them firmer.

You can also increase the circulation in your breasts by taking cold showers. If you have mottled-looking breast skin then you should use hot and cold showers alternatively to minimize the problem of mottled skin.

Women usually have wrinkled and sagging breasts post delivery or after breastfeeding or after excessive weight loss. In these cases, it can be suggested that doing light exercises intended for breasts can help you a lot.
Use of suitable moisturizing cream can help you reduce wrinkles.  Many experts advise avoiding sudden weight variations as it leads to sagging breasts. Always opt for gradual weight loss. If you are a nursing mother, you should feed your child in proper position.

You must always provide support to your breasts by wearing a bra of the correct size. A sports bra should be used while participating in sports. In general, violent sports should be avoided. Swimming is a good activity for the health of your breasts.

If you notice hair growth around your nipples, you should strictly avoid plucking them. You should neither shave nor use any depilatory creams to remove them. You can opt for electrolysis procedure to eliminate them. You should regularly check your breasts and nipples for cancer and should report to your doctor if you observe any abnormal sign.

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