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Benefits of Infrared Saunas

The health benefits of infrared saunas are pretty awesome. But here’s the thing, I never considered myself a “sauna girl”. I mean, sure, I had a few experiences hopping in one of those sweaty, moist boxes of heat, but I never lasted more than about ten minutes before I felt like I was suffocating.
Then I had my last birthday.
My husband treated me to a three-hour detox spa experience at a neighboring town. Um, heaven. And surprisingly, my favorite part of the whole experience was my time spent in the infrared sauna. I felt so calm, rejuvenated, and refreshed when I got out. And my skin was glowing like it had never glowed before.
So I did what any “normal” hippie chick would do… I convinced my husband to get rid of our sofa set and buy an infrared sauna instead. Because of the sauna.
Okay, so getting rid of the couches was a long-time coming event – one I’ll have to better explain in another blog post. (In a nutshell: Having more space to stretch, squat, move, and dance is way cooler than sitting on couches that were destroying my back.)
Where was I? Oh yeah, the sauna. After selling our lovely living room furniture we decided to go crazy with the extra cash and purchased our very own sauna. (I bought one from this lovely local company. And no, I’m not affiliated with them. I’ve just really loved my sauna and wanted to share.)
You guys. I love my infrared sauna. It’s seriously one of the best investments I’ve made for my health.

What is an infrared sauna?

Infrared saunas are a type of sauna that combines the use of heat and light. This light emits infrared light waves that create heat in the body, causing you to sweat. Many people struggle with regular saunas due to how hot and “stuffy” they can feel. With an infrared sauna, the environmental temperature stays at a much more comfortable heat while the infrared light can cause a more vigorous sweat at lower temperatures. (Meaning, no suffocating feeling! Wahoo!)

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