Nadia Jamil
Seeing you perform onscreen is simply terrific. Does acting come as naturally to you as it seems to us as viewers?
We came to know that you are a competent teacher at Aitchison College, Lahore. How does it feel being into two very different kinds of careers?
Believe me, it is incredible A bit scary in the beginning, to O' Level and A Level students. And mind you, boys! The whole of the first month, I was petrified. It took me some time but when I got the hang of it was simply astonishing.
Oh please! It's extremely exhausting when you teach, you do nothing but teach. You carry loads of work home, plan the next day's lessons and prepare exams and test And with all that pressure, you have to show up at the assembly right at seven in the morning Imagine! So it's all about devotion, only if you are incredibly dedicated which means taking pains for every single kid to progress, that you can be a truly successful teacher.
But which identity would you want to be recognized by?
Definitely as an actress!
Which forms the most satisfying experience for you, acting for TV or for theatre?
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